
Thursday, 6/9/2022

The John Carpenter Club (JCC) manages a charitable Benevolent Fund whose purpose is to help JCC members in need. This is an important part of the ethos of the JCC and reflects our desire to serve and support our members throughout their post-school life.

Our fund is flexible and although it has limited resources, it can be deployed deftly, subject to approval by its trustees, in response to short-term problems faced by our members and their dependants. Although not an exclusive list, our remit includes assisting with:- 

Financial concerns or hardship

Physical or mental health issues

The impact of a recent bereavement

Practical help to facilitate attendance at JCC meetings or events.

We are here to help you as much as we are able and we can also seek to provide you with additional information or give pointers to places where further information &/or support can be obtained.

Our assistance is co-ordinated through the position of Almoner of the Club, and this is currently Mark Stockton (JCC President 2016/17). Requests for assistance can be sent directly to him at [email protected], or care of the Alumni Engagement Officer, City of London School, Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 3AL.

Please include in your communication, dates of attendance at or employment by the School.